On the one hand, the provider of the products, Bamboleo Languages OÜ (hereinafter also the “Provider”), with registered office at Harju maakond, Tallinn, Lasnamäe linnaosa, Lõõtsa tn 2a, 11415 (Estonia), Tax number 16397896 and e-mail Customer Service:, being the owner of the website, exposes the contractual document that will govern the contracting of products, infoproducts and services through the website reviewed.

And on the other hand, the “User – Client” (hereinafter the User), who is registered on the website by means of both a username and password, with full responsibility for their use and custody, being accountable for the veracity of the personal data submitted to the provider.

The Parties BOTH ACCEPT this document, with the following implications whereas the user:

a. Has read, understood and agreed with this text.

b. Declares being a person of legal age and with sufficient capacity to enter into agreements and be bound to the conditions herein inserted.

c. To assume all the obligations set forth herein.

d. You have read and accepted these general purchasing conditions from the moment you purchase any of the products that are offered.

This document can be printed and stored by the Users.

In case the Users have any questions regarding these conditions, they may contact the Provider through their contact e-mail address,

The present conditions will have an indefinite period of validity and will be applicable to all the agreements made through the website of the Provider. The Provider, with the objective of improving the products offered, reserves the right to unilaterally modify these General Contracting Conditions, without it affecting the goods or special offers that were acquired prior to the modification. In any case, these general conditions must be reviewed prior to purchasing the products. It is advisable that you keep a copy of the data included within the purchased products.

Bamboleo Languages OÜ is not responsible for any loss of data, files, or any damage that may result from the User’s failure to backup the data included in the purchased products, such as memory cards. Bamboleo Languages OÜ is not responsible for any and all consequences that may result from improper use of the products that are sold on the web.

The civil liability of Bamboleo Languages OÜ for the products supplied is limited to the amount of the same, and at the same time, the User waives to claim any liability to the Provider for any case related to the dissatisfaction of the products purchased on the website, as well as any possible failures, slow access, or errors in accessing the web, which may include the loss of data or other information that may exist in the computer or network of the User accessing the web. Bamboleo Languages OÜ is specialized in the remote sale of services of language training. Bamboleo Languages OÜ sells its products and services over the Internet through its website.


2.1 Scope of application: The purpose of this agreement is to regulate the contractual purchase-sale relationship between the Provider and the User, which begins at the moment the User accepts by checking the corresponding box during the online contracting process, implying their acknowledgement and agreement to these purchasing conditions. These GCC will apply from the day the order is placed.

The contractual purchase-sale relationship includes the delivery of a specific product, in exchange for a specific price that is publicly exposed through the website.

2.2 Territory of application: The virtual store of is active throughout Europe. [ADAPT TO THE SPECIFIC CASE]

2.3 Legal capacity: To be able to place an order, you must be of legal age and have the required legal capacity to contract the services outlined on the Website.

2.4 Consent of the Client: The validation of an order through the web is executed by email, which also implies the automatic acceptance of the GCC. These conditions are available on the website or, if desired and requested, can be made available to you by email.

2.5. Modification of the General Contracting Conditions: Bamboleo Languages OÜ reserves the right to make changes and / or modifications to these GCC. We advise our clients to check and review them regularly. In the event that these changes or modifications were introduced after an order was placed, the conditions that will apply will be those of the date on which the order was placed.


3.1 Publication of prices: Exceptionally, the prices of the products shown on our website can be specified with errors and show a lower price than the actual corresponding price. In such event, and if we have already confirmed your order, we will contact you immediately in order to issue a new order confirmation that includes the correct price. In cases in which the actual corresponding price is higher, you may cancel your order and we will reimburse you for any amount that you have already paid.

3.2 Product/service information: The contents of are constantly renewed and updated in order to offer our clients the most complete and detailed information of our services. As a result, it is possible that the contents may show, on exceptional occasions, provisional information in relation to some of the products/services. In the event that the information provided does not correspond to the characteristics of the product/service, the client will have the right to cancel the purchase without any cost on their behalf.

All contractual information on the website is displayed in English and the communication with customers and Users can be both in Spanish and English. The formalization of the contract can be in both languages, at the customer’s request prior to beginning the contracting procedure.

3.3 Orders 24 hours a day, every day of the year: The available admission hours for orders is twenty-four (24) hours, three hundred and sixty-five (365) days of the year.

3.4 Fraud: If any anomaly or fraud is suspected and detected, Bamboleo Languages OÜ reserves the right to cancel the transaction for security reasons.


In order to have access to the products and services offered by the Provider, the User must register through the website by creating a User account. To do this, the User must freely and voluntarily provide the required personal data, which will be processed in accordance with the provisions of current regulations on personal data protection, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (RGPD), the Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5 (LOPDGDD) and other legal regulations in force on the protection of personal data, which are further detailed in the Legal Notice and Privacy Policy of this website.

In any case, the Provider’s contracting platform will inform the User, once the contracting procedure is finished by means of an e-mail, which includes all the characteristics, price and availability of the service or product.

If there is any type of mistake in any data of the order, you must immediately notify such mistake to the Customer Service e-mail address that will appear on the web, in order to proceed to its correction.

If you have any questions, you may contact our Customer Service through any of the methods provided on the website

Bamboleo Languages OÜ will provide Customer Service in a FREE manner, through our contact email If you choose an alternative method of communication, the User is responsible for bearing all costs pertaining to such chosen method.


This website also has the option to purchase through the purchase functionality as a guest. In this purchase mode, you will only be asked for the essential information to process your order. Once the purchase process is finished, you will be offered the possibility to register as a User or continue as a non-registered User.


All the prices displayed in the store are valid, except those with typographical errors or related to products no longer in stock, and in any case, they will be expressed in Euro currency (€).

The payment made to the Provider will entail the issuance of an invoice in the name of the registered User. This invoice will be automatically sent to the e-mail address provided by the User, as well as a copy that is included in the delivery of the purchased product in printed form.

The prices that applicable to each product will be those published on the website, and they are automatically applied by the contracting process in its last phase. The client accepts and acknowledges that, in any case, the economic valuation of some of the products may vary in real time. In any case, such situations will always be previously communicated to the Users.

For the promotions of limited duration, the discount of the promotion will be applied as long as the order has been registered and concluded during the established promotion period.

The data recorded by the different payment methods constitute a proof of the date on which the financial transactions were carried out and will serve to determine if said order is or is not subject to promotion.

For any information about the order, the User can contact through the Customer service phone of the PROVIDER or via email to the address provided.


Below we detail the available payment systems:

7.1 PayPal: Once the purchase is completed, if you choose this form of payment, you will be redirected to the official PayPal website where you can make the payment. Once the payment is made correctly, your order will be formally completed and an email with the summary of your purchase will be sent to you. By pressing the “Back to the Web” button, you will return to the website where you will be able to see the order and print it. PayPal has its own privacy policies and Bamboleo Languages OÜ does not assume any responsibility for them.

7.2 Stripe:

If you choose this form of payment, you will be redirected to the official Stripe website where you can make the payment with a valid credit or debit card, where all the digits of the card number must be specified in the corresponding form. The transaction is formally completed at the time of placing the order. Only Visa and MasterCard are accepted. The payment system used is the system called SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), which offers a secure environment payment system since it allows the encryption of the information transmitted during the transaction, ensuring its confidentiality.

By pressing the “Back to the Web” button, you will return to the website where you will be able to see the order and print it. Stripe has its own privacy policy and Bamboleo Languages OÜ does not assume any responsibility for it.


8.1 Right of withdrawal: The User has 14 calendar days to exercise the right of withdrawal, which are counted from the date of receipt thereof (Article 71 of Law 3/2014, of March 27). If you are not satisfied with the service or any of the info products/services of your order, the User may exercise his right of withdrawal by filling in the form attached to these conditions, indicating the order number (to obtain a refund of the amount of the product/services within the maximum period of fourteen (14) calendar days following receipt of the order) together with your contact information.

8.2 Return of a defective info product: The User must inform Bamboleo Languages OÜ of the lack of conformity with the info product within two months of being aware of it. In the event that the product is defective in origin, you must send an email to with the order number and explaining the reasons for the return. Our Customer Service will contact you via email or phone call indicating how to proceed.

8.3 Return by mistake in the order by Bamboleo Languages OÜ: When the product does not correspond to the placed order, due to an error that is attributable to the company, the User must communicate the company about this circumstance by mail as soon as possible; Bamboleo Languages OÜ will provide the correct info product.

8.4 The right of withdrawal cannot be applied in the following cases:

1. For info products that are directly downloaded through the portal.

2. For personalized products.

3. For services that have already been provided.


9.1 Reimbursement: In case of returns, the reimbursement of the amounts paid will be made through the same means of payment used in the purchase. Bamboleo Languages OÜ will not refund the amount claimed until the verification that the info product or service is eligible to such refund (as indicated in the section 8).

9.2 Term of Reimbursement: the reimbursement will be made within one month it has been confirmed.


In accordance with Art. 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013, the European Commission provides a free access platform for the resolution of online disputes between the USER and the PROVIDER, without the need to resort to the courts of justice, through the intervention of a third party, the Online Dispute Resolution Platform, which acts as an intermediary between the USER and PROVIDER. This organisation is neutral and will dialogue with both parties to reach an agreement, which may lead to suggest and / or impose a solution to the conflict. Link to the ODR platform:


If any clause included in these General Conditions is declared ,either totally or partially, as null or void, such nullity or voidness will only affect that sole provision or the part of it that is null or void, implying that the remaining General Conditions will subsist, having said provision, or the affected part of the same, considered as being excluded.


These conditions will be governed or interpreted in accordance with Spanish legislation in those matters that are not expressly established. In reference to the products and services that are subject to these Conditions, the Provider and the User agree to submit any dispute that may arise in such matters, to the Courts pertaining to the domicile of the Provider (if it is a legal entity) or the User (if it is a natural person).

In the event that the User has its domicile outside of Spain, the Provider and the User, expressly waive any other jurisdiction, submitting to the Courts of the city of the UE.


Your comments and suggestions are welcomed. We kindly ask you to send us any comments and suggestions through our contact form.

In addition, we have official complaint forms that available to consumers and Users. You can request them by writing to or through our contact form.